Transition to Self-Determination
Based on the principles of freedom, authority, support, responsibility and confirmation, this opportunity provides individuals with authentic and meaningful choice and control over their services and supports, and therefore their lives.

Coaching & Supports for Participants & Families
Transitioning into Self-Determination
Education Spectrum has been providing consultative services to the San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center and the North Bay Regional Center since 2020. We have assembled a number of experienced professionals to help participants and families make informed, person-centered choices. Collaborative trainings and step-by-step assistance is offered in a variety of modalities in order to meet the diverse needs of our community.
Three families tell inspiring stories about their transition into the Self-Determination Program.
Click on the video links below to learn more.
Get connected and join us on
Self-Determining Californians can connect with Independent Facilitators and Service Providers.
The coaches developed some informative material for participants and families who are interested in the SDP. Click on any of the titles to view and learn more.
SDP Presentation Materials:
Person-Centered Planning Process
Parent/Participant Checklist with Links
Parent Training October 14, 2020
SGPRC Release Form
Free Coaching Flyer
Spending Plan Template
Lanterman Act
Proceso de Planification Centrado de Persona